Subject: ANS-123 ANS-123 SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-123.01 KITSAT-A UPDATE HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 123.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD MAY 2, 1992 BID:$ANS-123.01 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Further information about KITSAT-A. The launch of the primary payload Topex/Poseidon and the two microsatellites KITSAT-A and S80-T is presently scheduled for 23 July.92 The KITSAT-A flight model has left the University for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests and vibration. These important tests will be completed by the end of this week, after which we will have a week to prepare for Thermal Vacuum testing. [The AMSAT News Service (ANS) would like to thank GO/K8KA for the informa- tion which went into this bulletin.] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-123.02 ZRO TEST SCHEDULE HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 123.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD MAY 2, 1992 BID:$ANS-123.02 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-13 ZRO Test Schedule: May 1992 The ZRO Memorial Technical Achievement Award Program, or just "ZRO Test" has a new schedule for May, 1992, via AO-13. This activity is a test of operating skill and equipment performance. During a typical ZRO run, a control station will send numeric code groups using CW at 10 words-per-minute. At the beginning of the run, uplink power from the control station is set to match the general beacon downlink strength. This is level "zero." The control operator will send and repeat a random five-digit number, then lower the uplink power by 3 dB (half power) and repeat the procedure with a new random number. This will con- tinue to a level 27 dB below the beacon (level "nine"). A participating listener monitors the downlink signals until they can no longer copy the numbers. Those who can hear the beacon will qualify for the basic award by copying the code group heard at level "zero". The challenge is to improve home-station performance to a point where the lower-level downlink signals can be copied (levels 6 through 9). The following schedule of Mode "B" and "JL" ZRO tests were chosen for convenient operating times and favorable squint angles. The "B" tests can be heard on 145.840 MHz and the "JL" test on 435.945 MHz. Ed (N5EM) will run the "JL" tests while Andy (WA5ZIB) will continue with "B" runs. Saturday May 9, 1992 at 1815 UTC "B" Saturday May 16, 1992 at 0120 UTC "JL" Saturday May 23, 1992 at 0500 UTC "JL" Sunday May 24, 1992 at 0400 UTC "B" Saturday May 30, 1992 at 1745 UTC "B" Saturday May 30, 1992 at 2000 UTC "JL" Note that the dates and days are shown in "UTC", thus the test on May 16th occurs on Friday night for those in North America. The same situation is true for the tests on May 23rd and May 24th. Any changes will be announced as soon as possible via the AMSAT HF and AO-13 Operations Nets. Recently updated ZRO brochures are available from WA5ZIB, Andy MacAllister, AMSAT V.P. User Operations, 14714 Knightsway Drive, Houston, TX 77083 for an S.A.S.E. with two units of postage. The brochure characterizes test procedures, means for obtaining certificates and gives some historical background about the program. A few certificate requests from the previous round of ZRO tests are still pending but should be shipped by May 9th. All listener reports with date of test and numbers copied should be sent to WA5ZIB at the address above. A report will be returned verifying the level of accurate reception. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-123.03 AO-13 OPS NET SCHEDULE HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 123.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD MAY 2, 1992 BID:$ANS-123.03 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AMSAT-NA Operations Net Schedule AMSAT Operations Nets are planned for the following times. Mode B Nets are conducted on AO-13 on a downlink frequency of 145.950 MHz and Mode J/L Nets on a downlink of 435.970 MHz. Date UTC Mode Phs NCS Alt 9-May-92 2300 B 192 N7NQM WA5ZIB 17-May-92 0030 B 143 WJ9F VE2LVC 30-May-92 1845 J 104 VE2LVC WJ9F 7-Jun-92 0030 B 154 WB6LLO W9ODI Guest commentators are planned. Join the Net if you have questions. In the unlikely event that either the Net Control Station (NCS) or the alter- nate do not call up frequency, any participant is invited to act as NCS. ************************************** Slow Scan Television on AO-13 Mode B downlink of 145.925 MHz at MA 135 on UTC Sundays. Also try Mode J downlink of 435.980 MHz at MA 135 on UTC Saturdays. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-123.04 SPRING AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHED HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 123.04 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD MAY 2, 1992 BID:$ANS-123.04 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-13 Spring Schedule Announced The spring schedule for AO-13 is as follows: N QST de DB2OS 16Mar92 00:45utc ** AO-13 Transponder Schedule ** schedule Mar 16 - Jun 08 Mode-B : MA 000 to MA 100 ! Mode-JL ON Mon, Wed ! Mode-JL : MA 100 to MA 120 ! Fri and Sat UTC only. ! Alon/Alat Mode-LS : MA 120 to MA 135 ! S Beacon on "L" days ! 180/0 Mode-JL : MA 135 to MA 150 ! S Transp on "B" days +----------- Mode-B : MA 150 to MA 256 ! See AMSAT-Journals and Packet Omnis : MA 240 to MA 030 ! Radio Bulletins for full details. If any of you noticed Mode B off on May 3 the following is for you. >From the AO-13 Beacon: QST de G3RUH. Partial eclipse of the Sun by Moon. This event will occur on 1992 May 03 [Sun] from 0118 to 0308 utc. Maximum obscuration will be 40% at 0153, and will be observable on the telemetry as a drop in solar panel temperature. The lowered illumination will necessitate the mode B transponder being OFF on orbit 2975 MA 77-100, approximately 0150 to 0252 utc. 73 de James (Uploaded by DB2OS, 01May02 20:30utc) AO-10 is currently available for Mode B operation when it is view of your QTH. PLEASE DO NOT attempt to use AO-10 if you hear the beacon or the transponder signals FMing. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-123.05 AO-16 EXPERIMENTER'S DAY HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 123.05 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD MAY 2, 1992 BID:$ANS-123.05 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-16 Experimenter's Day Schedule The AO-16 Command Team has announced the following PACSAT Experimenter's Day schedule for April and May: DATE START TIME END TIME MODE 06 May 2035 UTC - 05 May 2145 UTC - 06 May RCO 13 May 0455 UTC - 13 May 0425 UTC - 14 May RCO 20 May 0310 UTC - 20 May 0245 UTC - 21 May RCO 27 May 0625 UTC - 27 May 0600 UTC - 28 May RCO RCO: Raised Cosine Only, No S-Band. ------------------------- QRP operations are encouraged on Experimenter's Day. Uplink power should be limited to 20 watts EIRP. If you are using your AO-10/13 beams, this means you must crank your power back to about as low as it will probably go, no more than 2 watts. And don't forget to turn off your amplifier! While Experimenter's Day operations are scheduled to be conducted weekly, users are reminded that these operations may be shortened or canceled to allow uploading of improved spacecraft software. Watch for bulletins on the AO-16 BBS and/or the telemetry text frame for changes to the schedule. [ANS thanks Bruce Rahn (WB9ANQ) for this bulletin item.] /EX From AV-Sync (404) 320-6202